GrameenPhone Liberation War Info Service

To celebrate Shadhinota Dibosh, let’s join with
Grameenphone by subscribing 2666. Also, we are
going to arrange a Quiz Contest for our users
where they need to subscribe Liberation War Info
Service first & then able to participate in the Quiz.

Terms and Conditions:

To subscribe, dial *2666*7*1# or type ‘Start
1971’ and send it to 2666.

After subscription, Subscribers can play the
quiz contest.

Top scorer will get an iPhone. Also there will
be other gratifications. 1,000 point reached
first 10 user will be recharged 500 taka. 2,000
point reached first 5 user will be recharged
1,000 taka. 3,000 point reached first 5 user will
be recharged 1,000 taka. 5,000 point reached
first 5user will be recharged 1,000 taka. To win
the mega prize of the competition user have to
reach minimum 5,000 point bench mark.

Liberation War Info Service customers will get
daily SMS at BDT 2.39 per SMS.
Charge BDT 1.19/Q&A.

Duration of the contest is March 25 – April 10,

To stop this service, dial *2666*7*2# or type
‘Stop 1971’ and send it to 2666.

Blog, Updated at: 2:30:00 AM