banglalink emergency internet

banglalink emergency internet


internet goes on, whether you have balance or not.

service details

  • all pre-paid and cnc subscribers will be eligible for this service
  • a subscriber, whose balance is lower than or equal to tk.5, will be eligible for this service
  • to avail the “emergency internet” service, dial *875#
  • after activating the “emergency internet” service, tk.5 will be deducted from the subscribers account upon recharge. the “emergency internet” amount will be deducted in full. there is no option for partial payment
  • in case of recharge, data emergency balance will get first priority. subscribers will receive the requested amount after two full payments of emergency balance
  • subscribers will only be able to opt for emergency balance loan once per day
  • 12 mb for tk.5 will be valid for 2 days. to check “emergency internet” status, please dial *875*0#
  • to check internet balance & validity, please dial *124*500#
  • tk.5 is inclusive of sd + vat + sc


Blog, Updated at: 1:13:00 AM