GrameenPhone Data Offer with New 3G Modem !

GrameenPhone Data Offer with New 3G Modem !

Modem Price:
Any GP customer purchases the GP 3G Modem at BDT 1,449 nationwide.
Bundle Offer:
If any GP customer (except GPPP and VP) purchases any of new GP Modem then
5GB Internet Offer
  • 2.5GB Internet free upon purchasing of 2.5GB Internet pack @ 350 TK (Including SD+VAT+SC total amount 426.13 TK). Free 2.5GB Internet Volume validity is 7 days will be charged in first priority. Regular 2.5GB Internet validity 28 Days.
8GB Internet Offer
  • 4GB Internet free upon purchasing of 4GB Internet pack @ 500 TK (Including SD+VAT+SC total amount 608.75 TK). Free 4GB Internet Volume validity is 7 days will be charged in first priority. Regular 4GB Internet validity 28 Days.
Both the 5GB Internet & 8GB Internet can be taken Maximum 12 times in 6 months individually (Offer-1:- 12 Times & Offer-2:- 12 Times in 6 Months; All total 24 times in 6 Months.)
  • Customer who buys the new modem will be tagged automatically in the campaign bundle offer eligible group, no need to send any keyword. If a customer fails to be tagged automatically for a technical error the keyword “DM1” needs to send 5050 port for Tagging. No charging for auto-tagging.
  • To buy Internet at discounted rate, customer has to send SMS:
  1. Send "M5GB" to 5050 and 426.13 TK will be deducted from customer's main account for 5GB Internet Offer
  2. Send "M8GB" to 5050 and 608.75 TK will be deducted from customer's main account for 8GB Internet Offer
  • Campaign tagging will continue for 2 months and Customers can purchase this discounted Internet 5GB Internet & 8GB Internet maximum 12 times in next 6 months. All total the offer 24 times offers can be avail by the new Modem purchaser after SMS registration.
  • If a customer is tagged on the 59th day after the campaign launching date, he/she will be able to enjoy the offer for 6 months.
  • For multiple SIM tagging attempts by same user in new modem, first valid tagging will be considered and campaign benefit will be applicable. Customer need to stay bundled with Modem + SIM during the applicable Internet disbursement period.
  • Customers can know Internet balance by dialing *121*1*2#. After consumption of volume quota within the validity period customer will be charged at BDT.01/10Kb, up to BDT 200.
  • Customers can type “Check M5GB” and “Check M8GB” and send to 5000 to see how many times they have enjoyed the offer
  • To stop this Internet offer customer needs to SMS STOP to 5000 (FREE).
  • After 12th opt-in, this offer will be automatically close and subscribers for any further attempt will be rejected with an SMS.
  • No Auto-renewal is applicable
  • Customer will get after sales service as per ZTE’s After-Sales Service policy.
  • The campaign will end on 4th December,2016
  • Customer will know more detail by calling 121

Blog, Updated at: 5:17:00 AM